Monday, September 15, 2008

It's been awhile...

It certainly has been a long time! Here's a quick update...Cate turned one year on July 31st. We had a little party for her and had a great time celebrating our sweet Catie-Bug. Cambria is just starting the dress up stage and loves it. Thank goodness for all of Cybill's old dress up costumes. Each day is a new outfit. Cybill started the 8th grade this year. The picture is of her on her first day of school. She also turned 13 September 10th. And no, I can't believe I have a teenager!! The other pic is from a beach house. We spent our last week of summer vacation on the beach. It was so much fun. Lots of fun family memories. The other picture is just too cute to pass up with Cambria and Cate actually caught in a moment of sisterly love. (: They really are good with one another, but I will say Cate holds her ground well. She All in all, Devin and I are great. Nothing new with us. Just living each day trying not to blink as life somehow seems to go by faster the older we get. Live, Laugh, Live...right?