Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Day of School

Cybill's first day of school. Sophmore year. Inconceivable! It has taken me the couple weeks since she started back to school to really let it sink in. And so I post this now, two weeks after she started. Reality. Can you imagine me when she goes off to college!? Oh my, let's not get worked up right now for nothing. I have time. A little. Until then, Cybill has a great year ahead of her and I am so proud of all her lovliness.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Uninvited Guest

The Uninvited, Unwanted, get the picture, Guest was an opossum.
Cybill discovered him in our garage one night while she was feeding the cats. All she saw was the rat like tail, and that was enough to send her dancing into the house, in a rather excited, shrilling voice that she saw something.
The opossum thought he could just blend right in with our two cats, get free food and bask in the protection of our garage without being noticed.
Devin to the rescue! After two days, a call into the animal control, and the critter not showing any signs of leaving, or payment for his accommodations, Devin caught the opossum, trapped him in a storage bin and let him go in the forest by our home. Far enough away I hope.
A golf club is the best defense, didn't you know? (I could input something about Tiger and Elin, but I will let your own imaginations go with that one.)
Did you know that opossums stink? Really really bad? Devin soon discovered that one. I stayed back at a safe distance for good measure. The critter didn't run right away. Just stayed there like a statue. We ran faster than he did.
Oh. And to the people walking their dogs, staring at us as we were coming out of the forest..."What, you mean a man and a woman coming out of the forest at twilight in flip flops, holding an empty storage bin, a camera and a golf club looks unusual? Come on...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Andrew Devin beautiful boy

7 years ago this day, August 2nd, my sweet son, Andrew died. It was the saddest day of my life. This was the last photo I have of him. It was taken on my birthday that year, a week before his death.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."

My little man getting his first big boy haricut. Seeing pictures helps me to "see" him. The chubby fingers, the long blonde eyelashes, the beautiful blue eyes...
The Crowned Prince
by Suzanne Pace

One night a little prince was born
Heir to a higher throne
A choice and noble boy was he
Crowned with more than most could see
He played, he jumped, never walked, only ran
No one could catch him, not even the fastest man
For his speed and strength was his spirit unique
An exceptional gift from above, for him to keep
He was happy, carefree; it was life that he loved
With his white, blonde hair and baby blue eyes
What a beautiful sight he was to see
A miracle in him self was he
This little prince royally enjoyed
Being outside, pushing trucks and giving high fives
He love Cookie Monster, juice and food of all sorts
Dogs and cats were in for a treat
When our little prince, by chance, they should meet
The moon, he captured with each glimpse and word
He recognized all the good in his kingdom
All people he loved, and they adored him too
He touched many lives, many more than he knew
This little prince was royal above most
He was matchless and precious to his family
But it was to the royal courts he returned, so young
Back to our King, the prince's celestial crown he had won
We will see our prince again, he is ours for the keeping
We will know him someday
What a glorious meeting!
A royal holiday will be declared
To have our prince in our arms again
Can you imagine what he will say?
What will he want to play?
With bouncing balls, or watch a baseball game
Jump on his sister's bed or drink juice just the same?
Things will be perfect
Just wait and see
We will be complete, a royal eternal family

Andrew, I miss you each day of my life. I know you are never far, but I cannot wait for the day when I can hold you once again. I treasure the memories and leave nothing for granted. You have changed my life forever. I love you. Love, Mommy